Article: Dan Binks is Your Special Guest This Week on the Corvette Today Podcast

March 31, 2022

By Keith Cornett in CORVETTEBlogger

He is one of the unsung heroes of Corvette Racing and one of the few behind-the-scenes guys who needs no introduction. Former Corvette Racing crew chief and now the builder of racing engines Dan Binks takes his seat this week in the CORVETTE TODAY Podcast studio!

On this episode of CORVETTE TODAY, you’ll meet the man who was in charge of the Corvette Racing garage, Dan Binks. Your CORVETTE TODAY host, Steve Garrett, reminisces with Dan about his 38 years in racing, his 19 years with Corvette Racing, how he got started with Corvette Racing, his fondest memories while with the team, and what he’s doing now. Hear about what it takes to go to Le Mans and how it feels to win there! Get a true “behind the scenes” look at Corvette Racing on this episode of CORVETTE TODAY.

Read More: Click Here to view this 26 minute video.

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